Theodore Felix von la Hache
Wednesday, March 12, 2025         Visitors: 9600
door Jan Populiers   Übersetzung: Joop Nabbe   Traducción: Arthur Jansen, Bas van den Hout   Traduction française: Jan Claveaux CMM  

door Jan Populiers   Übersetzung: Joop Nabbe   Traducción: Arthur Jansen, Bas van den Hout   Traduction française: Jan Claveaux CMM  


A brief introduction

Born in Dresden, in March.Up untill now the exact date of birth hasn't been established yet. It might have been 22 March 1822, but the records department of the Stadt Archiv Dresden is still investigating the matter.
Little is known about his early days, though records show that he enjoyed a scholarly musical education in Dresden, in the tradition of the "German School".

Emigrates to the United States of America, where he settles in New Orleans as a music teacher (piano). In the following years he composes several pieces of music for piano as well as waltzes, songs and church music.

Marries Maria Emilia Johnston in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New Orleans.

Is appointed Chief Organist of the Church of St. Theresia.

Composes the "Grand Jubilee" Mass.

Founds the music society "The New Orleans Philharmonic Society"
Composes the "Mass for Double Choir"

Organizes numerous concerts; frequent performer in benefit concerts.

Outbreak of yellow fever epidemic in New Orleans: thousands of people die.
Publication of "Choir Studies".

Publication of the "Mass of St. Peter", the "Mass of St. Theresa" and the "Mass of St. Anthony"

Publication of the "Corpus Christi Mass", the "Mass in G", the "Mass in F", the "Mass of St. Louis", the "Mass of Sacraments" and the "Mass of the Holy Cross"

Publication of the"Union Mass" and the "Grande Etude de Salon pour Piano"

Publication of the "Festival Cantata"

After the prolonged years of the Civil War: publication of the "Missa Pro Pace", opus 644 (the highest opus number).

Founds the musical association "The Harmonic Association of New Orleans".
In February he suffers from lead poisoning, which over the years causes his hands to become paralysed.
Together with business partner G. Doll, he opens a music store and starts selling pianos.

In addition to piano retail, he starts selling scores. After his business partner Doll withdraws from the business, Von La Hache's son starts to assist him at the store.

For the last time, a great musical performance takes place under his directorship: the "Twelfth Mass" of W.A. Mozart.

Out of pity and respect, a benefit concert is organized on 7 May 1869 on behalf of a critically ill and impoverished Von La Hache.

On 21 November 1869 Theodore Felix Von La Hache dies in great poverty and after a long spell of sickness at the age of just 47.



A brief introduction

Born in Dresden, in March.Up untill now the exact date of birth hasn't been established yet. It might have been 22 March 1822, but the records department of the Stadt Archiv Dresden is still investigating the matter.
Little is known about his early days, though records show that he enjoyed a scholarly musical education in Dresden, in the tradition of the "German School".

Emigrates to the United States of America, where he settles in New Orleans as a music teacher (piano). In the following years he composes several pieces of music for piano as well as waltzes, songs and church music.

Marries Maria Emilia Johnston in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New Orleans.

Is appointed Chief Organist of the Church of St. Theresia.

Composes the "Grand Jubilee" Mass.

Founds the music society "The New Orleans Philharmonic Society"
Composes the "Mass for Double Choir"

Organizes numerous concerts; frequent performer in benefit concerts.

Outbreak of yellow fever epidemic in New Orleans: thousands of people die.
Publication of "Choir Studies".

Publication of the "Mass of St. Peter", the "Mass of St. Theresa" and the "Mass of St. Anthony"

Publication of the "Corpus Christi Mass", the "Mass in G", the "Mass in F", the "Mass of St. Louis", the "Mass of Sacraments" and the "Mass of the Holy Cross"

Publication of the"Union Mass" and the "Grande Etude de Salon pour Piano"

Publication of the "Festival Cantata"

After the prolonged years of the Civil War: publication of the "Missa Pro Pace", opus 644 (the highest opus number).

Founds the musical association "The Harmonic Association of New Orleans".
In February he suffers from lead poisoning, which over the years causes his hands to become paralysed.
Together with business partner G. Doll, he opens a music store and starts selling pianos.

In addition to piano retail, he starts selling scores. After his business partner Doll withdraws from the business, Von La Hache's son starts to assist him at the store.

For the last time, a great musical performance takes place under his directorship: the "Twelfth Mass" of W.A. Mozart.

Out of pity and respect, a benefit concert is organized on 7 May 1869 on behalf of a critically ill and impoverished Von La Hache.

On 21 November 1869 Theodore Felix Von La Hache dies in great poverty and after a long spell of sickness at the age of just 47.
